The sun popped out this morning and it reminded me that the better, warmer weather is very much on its way.

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It reminded me too that I should be writing more about gardening this week and not to mention the Meet the Animals Cuddle sessions on the 10th of April: for more – or an extra special Kong pet event on the 13th April (save the date and find out more soon).

I shouldn’t need to keep rabbiting on about our Easter hunt, eggs-tended through to Sunday 7th (whilst stocks last), how the gift aisles are looking glorious and how our gift cards (both in store and online) are proving to be the perfect, popular gift, right now.

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I thought I shouldn’t say too much about The Lock House and how all the lovely, shiny, new retailers are proving a great asset to the site. Not to spend any time on bigging up Bruno’s, our pet shop, saying how well they are stocked with great products at great prices. Canalside, our lovely restaurant overlooking the canal and serving breakfast and main meals and light snacks throughout the day, including an amazing Afternoon Tea, always offering a friendly welcome and always getting lots of lineage, so I shouldn’t need to write about that, this week.

It would be all about the garden.
From a well stocked, beautifully presented, award winning garden centre.

Apart from some of the marvels mentioned in the first couple of paragraphs (how on earth they sneaked in to this email I have no idea), one of Whilton Stocks… sorry… Locks main appeals is that we are independent. This independence means we can choose our own products, often getting them earlier. We can ensure the best quality, maintain excellent stock levels and this often results in our ranges being bigger (offering more choice for you too) and our prices lower!

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Recently, our buyers at WLGV headed out to look at prices at a couple of ‘chain’ garden centres. In comparing the ‘best sellers’ like herbs, strawberries, multipurpose compost, bedding plants and alpines we were consistently better value. Bigger ticket items, such as garden furniture, we were remarkably cheaper and we offered better quality, better delivery options (most immediate and in stock) and again a far better range.

This is all great news, knowing you are getting the best deals at Whilton Locks and that’s even before our loyalty card discount on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Make sure you make the most out of yours. Blooming marvellous you could say and if you take a look at our outside displays* you will agree the colour, choice and quality IS blooming marvellous too.

Free parking, huge choice, great stock availability and so mulch more.

See you all soon
Whilton Locks Garden Village

PS: Our top quality, locally grown, garden turf has proven popular this early season. Perfect for patches to love your lawns after the recent rains. Stocks are currently coming in every week.
PPS: *All photos taken at WLGV this week.