Bonjour! Bienvenue.

This week we are magnifique – thinking about the Olympic Games and what a rather good start Team GB have made. Superbe!

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So heading out and looking around we thought we’d focus on a theme – see if you can guess what it is. The displays are looking as good as, well, gold, of course. The summer games have begun and it seems summer too, with some delightful days lately. It has all been trés bien. All the photos were taken at Whilton Locks this week (Mercredi 31 Juliet).

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Remember, if you bring your Loyalty Card on a Tuesday or Thursday you’ll save a bit of silver and bronze.
Our flower selection is also available in alternative colours!

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For hard landscaping, check out our latest displays. I was taking a couple of photos of the ‘golden’ paving and a passer-by, who asked what I was doing and I explained the whole ‘gold’ theme, said they thought ‘buff.’ I naturally took this as a huge compliment. It made my morning, as I pass the gym every day on my way to WLGV HQ. If you want a beach look too, we have a whole host of sands, pebbles and stones!!! We have a bod, that’ll help you load your car – or a couple of dunes, sorry dudes, that will deliver in one of our vans direct to your home.
Our hard landscaping range is also available in alternative colours too!

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…and don’t forget your ponds.
We have a superb range of pumps, cleaners, foods, plants and fish – including gold ones.
Yes, you have guessed it, our fish are also available in alternative colours too – check out some of the amazing hues in our Tropical Fish section.

So instead of brushing up on my french, I might go and marcher around with a broom. Tout sweep.

For now, au revoir.
Whilton Serrures Village-Jardin

Go TeamGB – Go Whilton Locks (this weekend).